Volume 1 (Pages 400)
ISBN: 978-81-954996-2-5 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-81-954996-4-9 (E-book)
DOI: 10.26832/aesa-2021-bdcp
Price: 1350 INR / 100 USD
(Print version)
Biological Diversity: Current Status and Conservation Policies
Editors: Dr. Vinod Kumar, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Dr. Nitin Kamboj and Dr. Temin Payum
Co-editors: Mr. Pankaj Kumar and Ms. Sonika Kumari
Brief Overview: The present book has been designed to bind prime knowledge of climate change-induced impacts on various aspects of our environment and its biological diversity. The book also contains updated information, methods and tools for the monitoring and conservation of impacted biological diversity.
Date of publication: 25 October, 2021
Table of contents
Book cover page
Cover to next pages
Chapter 1: Biological diversity: Introduction, values, threats and conservation measures
Sheetal Rani, Sonika Kumari, Pankaj Kumar and Vinod Kumar
Chapter 2: Ethnobotanical studies: Importance and conservation strategies
Manju and Tasavur Ahad
Chapter 3: Weeds biodiversity: Challenges and opportunity in current context
Sheetal Dhiman Mukherjee
Chapter 4: Protected areas in biodiversity conservation of India: An overview
P. Sujithra, E. Sobhana, K. Elango, G. Vijayalakshmi and P. Arunkumar
Chapter 5: Climate change and its enormous impacts on global biodiversity
E. Sobhana, P. Sujithra, K. Elango, G. Vijayalakshmi and P. Arunkumar
Chapter 6: Biodiversity conservation to mitigate the impact of climate change on agro-ecosystems
Ananya Mishra, Rohitashw Kumar and Rishi Richa
Chapter 7: Impact and assessment of climate change on biological diversity
Mahrukh and Rohitashw Kumar
Chapter 8: Impacts of invasive alien plant species on biodiversity in the regions of Western Himalayas, India: An overview
Sugam Gupta, Naresh Kumar, Devvret Verma, Archana Bachheti, Ashish Kumar Arya, Kamal Kant Joshi and Rakesh Kumar Bachheti
Chapter 9: Indigenous knowledge in forest conservation, species diversity and stocking potential: A historical perspectives of northwest Tanzania
Gisandu K. Malunguja, Ratan Chowdhury, Setho Mokhets’engoane, Nadarajah Pravin Diliban, Tamrat Yimenu Zeleke, Phurailatpam Surjit Sharma, Ashalata Devi and Chrispinus D.K. Rubanza
Chapter 10: An overview on aquatic biodiversity of India
Sunil Kumar and Shoma Devi
Chapter 11: Avian diversity at Beas River conservation reserve under urbanization and intensive agriculture in Punjab, India
Sachin Kumar and Tejdeep Kaur Kler
Chapter 12: Waterbird survey at Bheemgoda Barrage and Missarpur Ganga Ghat wetlands of Haridwar district in Uttarakhand, India
Ashish Kumar Arya, Kamal Kant Joshi, Archana Bachheti and Deepak Kumar
Chapter 13: An updated checklist of fauna of Binsar wildlife sanctuary of Uttarakhand (Western Himalaya), India
Manoj Kumar Arya, Aarti Badoni, Aman Verma and Ambika Tiruwa
Chapter 14: Avifaunal diversity and conservation status of Okhla Bird Sanctuary, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Iqbal Ali Khan and Anil Kumar
Chapter 15: Role of earthworm biodiversity in soil fertility and crop productivity improvement
Nitin Kamboj, Amrit Kumar, Vishal Kamboj, Aditi Bisht, Neeraj Pandey and Manisha Bharti
Chapter 16: Role of microbial diversity in ecosystem sustainability
Vishal Kumar Deshwal
Chapter 17: Ecology and diversity of plant aphids in Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India
Sunil Kumar and Deepa Saini
Chapter 18: Insect’s diversification and their conservation strategies
Ashish Uniyal
Chapter 19: Aquatic insect’s biodiversity: importance and their conservation
K. Elango, G. Vijayalakshmi, P. Arunkumar, E. Sobhana and P. Sujithra
Chapter 20: Insect biodiversity and their conservation for sustainable ecosystem functioning
Sudhanshu Bala Nayak, Elango K. and Kavadana Sankara Rao
Chapter 21: Biological control of invasive pests in India
Sonu Kumari, Balbir Singh, Soniya Dhanda and Neeru Dumra
Chapter 22: Hydrobiological characteristics of Ganga River at Barrage Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, India
Gajendra Kumar, Shoma Devi and Sunil Kumar
Chapter 23: Geo-environmental assessment in semiarid region of Pulivendula tehsil, Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India
B. P. Bhaskar
Author index
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