About AESA

Welcome to Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy (AESA).
Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy (AESA) is a registered under the societies registration act XXI of 1860 with its head office in Haridwar (Uttarakhand), India. AESA is a non- profit organization and is an interdisciplinary research organization and it’s dedicated for issues in the field of social, environment and agriculture development. It has been established for providing a wide range of social activities, environmental awareness, sustainable agriculture, educational work in the field of pollution, health, sanitation, forest, wildlife, land and water use, scientific research and various aspects of the environment conservation and development and agriculture management.
  •  Vision
Our vision is to make fruitful contribution by working with grassroots level for sustainable development of agriculture and environment areas through promotion and sustainable conservation practices to reduce the environmental, economic, and social vulnerabilities of the rural livelihoods.
  •  Mission
 Our mission is to empower underprivileged children, youth, farmers and women through relevant education, innovative healthcare programme to attain sustainability of environment and agriculture. To develop and provide integrated and innovative solutions through relevant education, innovative healthcare programme with cooperation and collaboration with the State, National and International organizations and working with the community.
  •  Aims & Objectives
  1. To create awareness among the people for health, sanitation, vaccination, population control and family welfare programmes.
  2. To encourage the environmental protection and agriculture healthcare programme up to school and college and university level by use of different tools of extension education.
  3. To do research work in the field of environment & agricultural science and technology.
  4. To organize events like seminars, support or collaborate conferences, symposia, meetings, training programmes, demonstrations, mass mobilization campaigns, popular lectures, , etc. to extension and propagation of the knowledge in cooperation with the State, National and International organizations in the matter related to the environment and agriculture development.
  5. To disseminate knowledge and to promote discussion through the publication of high standard Articles, books, proceedings, journals and such others literature to dissemination of scientific information pertaining to public   interest in the way of environmental protection and sustainable agriculture development.
  6. To provide supervision, monitoring, evaluation and consultancy services on development of agriculture and environmental protection at free of cost.
  7. To perform and encourage activities like tree plantation, nursing, habitat conservation, education and awareness programmes towards protection, conservation and enrichment of environment, natural resources and agriculture development for a sustainable future.
  8. To help poor people of rural and urban areas and their children for getting free education, medical aid and books etc.
  9. To create a multi disciplinary and comprehensive computerized database on environment and agriculture management.
  10. Work regardless of race, religion and political belief. Adopt any other activities which are necessary and are required to assist and promote to the achievement of the object of the society.
  • Activities
  1. Water and Sanitation
  2. Waste Management
  3. Sustainable Development
  4. Environmental Conservation
  5. Plantation
  6. Research and Development
I cordially invite academicians, scientist, students, and social workers to join AESA to provide a healthy and safe environment to the future generations.

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